Specification Sheets
The product specifications should be used for planning or informational purposes only. By using the information supplied by Dimension Express, the user agrees that they are using the information at their own risk. The user specifically acknowledges that Information is subject to change without notice. Installation of products should only be conducted by a qualified professional (i.e., one who has been properly trained and who possesses the requisite license, skill and knowledge to safely and effectively install the appliance without damage), in accordance with installation procedures and warnings as specified in the applicable product manual. Home appliance products are sophisticated and powerful.
Failure to properly install a product can result in fires, floods, burns, cuts, personal injuries (including death), and other hazards and damages to persons and/or property. Dimension Express and all manufacturers represented by Dimension Express hereby disclaim all liability whatsoever for any product installation not performed by a qualified installation professional in accordance with the applicable product manual and safety guidelines, and further disclaim any damages relating to or arising from the negligence or willful misconduct of any other party.
All overall and cutout search results in the Overall and Cutout Search Engine are for reference only. Refer to appliance design guides and installation instructions for design purposes.